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About The Book & Bulk

Shaman’s adventures will help children learn how to ride the bus safely. Riding the bus to school can be a fun and safe beginning to a great day of learning! An excellent resource for classroom discussions, learn how to get copies in bulk.


About The Author

As a School Bus Driver since 2000, Valerie Higley is passionate about sharing her knowledge for School Bus Safety with children, families, and schools.

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What people are saying...

"Mrs. Val did a wonderful job sharing her book, 'Shaman Rides the School Bus' My students were all attentive and had good questions and insights."

-Mrs Robin Soule

"What a well thought of topic for todays children, well done!"


“Shaman Rides the School Bus is a wonderfully created story about school bus safety for all children. Author Valerie Higley did an amazing job. The content of the book along with the outstanding illustrations are great for children, while also send a clear message about school bus safety. I’m proud to know Mrs. Higley as she is one of our very own bus drivers for our school district. Her twenty years experience in bus transportation shines through this excellent children’s story that is a must read for everyone!"

-Jeffrey R. Newton, Superintendent of Schools